var cssSlidy = function(newOptions) { var options = (function() { var mergedOptions = {}, defaultOptions = { timeOnSlide: 3, timeBetweenSlides: 1, slidyContainerSelector: '#slidy-container', // name of slider container slidySelector: '#slidy', // name of slider slidyDirection: 'left', // options: left, right fallbackFunction: function() {}, cssAnimationName: 'slidy', captionSource: 'data-caption', // options: data-caption, alt, none captionBackground: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', captionColor: '#fff', captionFont: 'Avenir, Avenir Next, Droid Sans, DroidSansRegular, Corbel, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif', captionPosition: 'bottom', // options: top, bottom captionAppear: 'slide', // options: slide, perm, fade captionSize: '1.6rem', // same units captionPadding: '.6rem' // same units }; for (var option in defaultOptions) mergedOptions[option] = defaultOptions[option]; for (var option in newOptions) mergedOptions[option] = newOptions[option]; return mergedOptions; })(), CS = this; CS.animationString = 'animation'; CS.hasAnimation = false; CS.keyframeprefix = ''; CS.domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O Khtml'.split(' '); CS.pfx = ''; CS.element = document.getElementById(options.slidySelector.replace('#', '')); CS.init = (function() { // browser supports keyframe animation w/o prefixes if ( !== undefined) CS.hasAnimation = true; // browser supports keyframe animation w/ prefixes if (CS.hasAnimation === false) { for (var i = 0; i < CS.domPrefixes.length; i++) { if ([CS.domPrefixes[i] + 'AnimationName'] !== undefined) { CS.pfx = domPrefixes[i]; CS.animationString = pfx + 'Animation'; CS.keyframeprefix = '-' + pfx.toLowerCase() + '-'; CS.hasAnimation = true; // determines CSS prefix required for CSS animations break; } } } if (CS.hasAnimation === true) { var images = CS.element.getElementsByTagName("img"), L = images.length, fig = document.createElement('figure'), who, temp; while (L) { temp = fig.cloneNode(false); who = images[--L]; // wraps all images in the slider with
tags if (options.captionSource === "alt" || options.captionSource === "data-caption" ) { caption = who.getAttribute(options.captionSource); } who.parentNode.insertBefore(temp, who); if (options.captionSource == "alt" || options.captionSource == "data-caption") { if (caption !== null) { content = document.createElement('figcaption'); content.innerHTML = caption; // places captions in each
element, if required } } temp.appendChild(who); if (options.captionSource !== "none" ) { if (caption !== null) temp.appendChild(content); } } var figs = CS.element.getElementsByTagName("figure"); var firstFig = figs[0]; // get the first figure inside the "slidy" element. figWrap = firstFig.cloneNode(true); // copy it. CS.element.appendChild(figWrap); // add the clone to the end of the images var imgCount = images.length, // count the number of images in the slide, including the new cloned element totalTime = (options.timeOnSlide + options.timeBetweenSlides) * (imgCount - 1), // calculate the total length of the animation by multiplying the number of _actual_ images by the amount of time for both static display of each image and motion between them slideRatio = (options.timeOnSlide / totalTime) * 100, // determine the percentage of time an induvidual image is held static during the animation moveRatio = (options.timeBetweenSlides / totalTime) * 100, // determine the percentage of time for an individual movement basePercentage = 100 / imgCount, // work out how wide each image should be in the slidy, as a percentage. position = 0, // set the initial position of the slidy element css = document.createElement("style"); // start marking a new style sheet // creating css style tag css.type = "text/css"; = options.slidySelector.replace('#', '') + "-css"; css.innerHTML += options.slidyContainerSelector + " { overflow: hidden; }\n"; css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + " { text-align: left; margin: 0; font-size: 0; position: relative; width: " + (imgCount * 100) + "%; }\n"; // set the width for the inner slider container css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + " figure { float: left; margin: 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; width: " + basePercentage + "%; height: auto; }\n"; // set the width and size pf the inner
elements css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + " figure img { width: 100%; }\n"; if (options.captionSource == "alt" || options.captionSource == "data-caption") { css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + " figure figcaption { position: absolute; width: 100%; background-color: " + options.captionBackground + "; color: " + options.captionColor + "; font-family: " + options.captionFont + ";"; var captions = document.getElementsByTagName("figcaption"); var captionHeight = captions[0].offsetHeight * 2 + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(captions[0]).fontSize, 10); if (options.captionPosition == "top") { switch (options.captions) { case 'fade': css.innerHTML += " top: 0; opacity: 0;"; break; case 'slide': css.innerHTML += " top: -" + captionHeight + "px; "; break; default: css.innerHTML += " top: 0;"; } } else { switch (options.captionAppear) { case 'fade': css.innerHTML += " bottom: 0; opacity: 0;"; break; case 'slide': css.innerHTML += " bottom: -" + captionHeight + "px; "; break; default: css.innerHTML += " bottom: 0;"; } } css.innerHTML += " font-size: " + options.captionSize + "; padding: " + options.captionPadding + "; " + keyframeprefix + "transition: .5s; }\n"; css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + ":hover figure figcaption { opacity: 1; "; if (options.captionPosition == "top") { css.innerHTML += " top: 0px;"; } else { css.innerHTML += " bottom: 0px;"; } css.innerHTML += " }\n"; } css.innerHTML += "@" + keyframeprefix + "keyframes " + options.cssAnimationName + " {\n"; if (options.slidyDirection == "right") { for (i = imgCount - 1; i > 0; i--) { // position += slideRatio; // make the keyframe the position of the image css.innerHTML += position + "% { left: -" + (i * 100) + "%; }\n"; position += moveRatio; // make the postion for the _next_ slide css.innerHTML += position + "% { left: -" + ((i - 1) * 100) + "%; }\n"; } } else { // the slider is moving to the left for (i = 0; i < (imgCount - 1); i++) { // position += slideRatio; // make the keyframe the position of the image css.innerHTML += position + "% { left: -" + (i * 100) + "%; }\n"; position += moveRatio; // make the postion for the _next_ slide css.innerHTML += position + "% { left: -" + ((i + 1) * 100) + "%; }\n"; } } css.innerHTML += "}\n"; css.innerHTML += options.slidySelector + " { "; if (options.slidyDirection == "right") { css.innerHTML += "left: " + imgCount * 100 + "%" } else { css.innerHTML += "left: 0%; " } css.innerHTML += keyframeprefix + "transform: translate3d(0,0,0); " + keyframeprefix + "animation: " + totalTime + "s " + options.cssAnimationName + " infinite; }\n"; // call on the completed keyframe animation sequence // place css style tag if (options.cssLocation !== undefined) options.cssLocation.appendChild(css); else document.body.appendChild(css); } else { // fallback function options.fallbackFunction(); } })(); }