La Marzocco Linea 2 Group

Product Details
See All Commercial Traditional
Dimensions & Weight:
Height: 17 in
Width: 28 in
Depth: 23 in
Weight: 128 lbs
Creating an excellent espresso coffee is an art refined by time and experience. The Linea from La Marzocco, handcrafted in the finest Italian tradition, features double stainless steel boilers and saturated groups designed for extremely stable temperature and maximized steam capacity.
The Linea provides the innovation that advances existing technology while maintaining a focus on the tradition of espresso and the expertise of your barista. We know that those who are passionate about the quality of their coffee will agree.
Compare the different versions:
Semi-automatic (EE): This version is what you might commonly find in your average coffee shop, where time and water quantity are all controlled by the barista during extraction. No need to worry about pressure profiles, as these machines will take care of that for you.
Auto-Volumetric (AV): This version will take a lot of the guess work out of your extraction variables by setting water quantity profiles that will keep everything much more consistent across the board. This sort of machine is considered quite a bit easier to use.
Mechanical Paddle (MP): This version will allow for pre-infusion to take place before pulling your shots. This sort of feature will go even further to ensure that your coffee extraction is even more consistent.
Constant Coffee Brew
High Volume
Dedicated Steam Boiler
Longevity and Durability
Accepts a Variety of Cup Sizes
Autosteam Option Available
Available in Automatic (AV) or Semi-Automatic (EE) Operation
Specifications:Height: 17 in
Width: 28 in
Depth: 23 in
Weight: 128 lbs
Creating an excellent espresso coffee is an art refined by time and experience. The Linea from La Marzocco, handcrafted in the finest Italian tradition, features double stainless steel boilers and saturated groups designed for extremely stable temperature and maximized steam capacity.
The Linea provides the innovation that advances existing technology while maintaining a focus on the tradition of espresso and the expertise of your barista. We know that those who are passionate about the quality of their coffee will agree.
Compare the different versions:
Electrical Voltage: 220V
Brewer Boiler Wattage: 1400W
Steam Boiler Wattage: 3000W
Total Wattage: 4400W
Brewer Boiler: 3.4 L
Steam Boiler: 8 L
Total Capacity: 11.4 L