Terms of Espresso RMI LLC's "If You Love Coffee.com" Privacy Policy

Any material changes in the way we use your personal data will be described in future versions of this privacy policy.

By subscribing to any "If You Love Coffee.com" communication service, you agree that the privacy policy current at the time of your most recent subscription or request shall apply to all information we hold about you, whether given to us at the time of that subscription or on earlier occasions.

We will notify you of any material changes in our privacy policy by email.

We may use your information to create data profiles about you which we use to identify your preferences. This enables us to personalize offers, advertisements and services to suit your individual preferences.

We use cookies to recognize your user name when you sign in.

The use of cookies means that you do not have to enter your user name more than once, thereby saving time while you enter our site.

We only use cookies for your convenience whilst you are on our site.

The cookies simply make your use of our site easier, but if you prefer to use the site without utilising cookies, your browser can be set not to accept them at all.

Information stored in cookies cannot be accessed by other web sites.

We store your email address as a means to contact you pursuant to communication you have elected to receive, with selections made by you, or to send communication regarding business between you, the client, and us, the business, Espresso RMI, LLC.

We may send you communication related to our services and or our website which you have elected to receive at times selected by you.

This includes communication such as newsletters with information about new products and services that are likely to be of interest to you.

If you choose not to receive our newsletters, we will respect your privacy, and guarantee that we only send you the standard e-mail communication which you have requested.

We retain details on our database of sites to which you have subscribed, or about which you have made a request, related to our website and direct services through "If You Love Coffee.com"

If you send to us an email with a one-off request either for a web page to be sent to you or for a search to be made using your search words, we store your email address to deal with your specific request.

If you have any questions at all regarding these policies, please feel free to contact up through any of our communication channels so we may discuss your inquiries. We understand that these policies can be long winded, and are written with the intention of protecting our business, and thus, we are happy to explain them plainly to you upon request.